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New Jersey Future Offers Webinar Series, Grant Program for Noncontiguous Cluster Development

November 5th, 2013 by

New Jersey Future offers two webinars and a grant to encourage use of updated noncontiguous cluster development tools.

ClusterBlogMunicipalities interested in planning for compact, walkable communities while preserving open space, farmland, or historic sites should be interested in recent revisions (P.L.2013, c. 106) to New Jersey’s Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL) that enhance municipal land use tools to direct development and preservation. To introduce planners, municipal officials and interested citizens to these updated tools, New Jersey Future and its partners will host a two-part webinar series (Part 1 has been approved for 1.0 AICP-CM credit. Part 2 has been approved for 1.5 AICP-CM Law credits, CLE credits are pending.) this December. The first webinar, on Tuesday, Dec. 3, introduces the enhanced clustering tools for a general audience. The second webinar, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, will examine more of the technical details associated with implementing a non-contiguous cluster plan, and is geared toward municipal planners and attorneys. Attendees of both webinars will also learn more about a grant opportunity that New Jersey Future will offer municipalities for the development of a non-contiguous cluster ordinance. Both webinars are free.

The first webinar, Noncontiguous Cluster –New Jersey’s New and Improved Planning Tool: An Introduction for Local Officials, Planning Board Members and Interested Citizens, will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013, from noon to 1:00 pm, and will explain how noncontiguous clustering can help towns meet their goals for land preservation and walkable development. Intended for local officials, planning board members and interested citizens, the webinar will use illustrated case studies to explain how noncontiguous cluster development works, and will offer resources for getting started. Speakers will also address how to plan for attractive, walkable neighborhoods and centers, with input and support from the community.

The second session, Taking Advantage of the New and Improved Noncontiguous Cluster Tool—Insights for Planners and Land Use Attorneys, will take place the following Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013, from noon to 1:30 pm, and will go into greater detail on the new law. This webinar will feature experienced practitioners who will explain what the new features offer and how municipal planners and attorneys can use them to craft cluster development ordinances that address community goals. Speakers will discuss how to structure a noncontiguous cluster program that is attractive to developers from a financial and risk perspective and how to integrate cluster development ordinances into local open-space and farmland preservation programs. Audience members will have ample opportunity to ask questions. 

Through funding from the Bunbury Company, New Jersey Future will offer a small grant to an eligible municipality to develop a noncontiguous cluster ordinance for open-space preservation, farmland preservation or historic preservation. Rural, suburban and urban municipalities are eligible to apply. The details for this grant will be posted to the New Jersey Future website as they become available. During both webinars, New Jersey Future staff will be available to answer questions related to this grant opportunity. For additional information on noncontiguous clustering, including the legislation, case studies, fact sheets and recorded webinars please visit the cluster development page on New Jersey Future’s website. 

Partners for the webinars include the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, the New Jersey Association of Counties, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions, New Jersey Chapter of the American Planning Association, Clarke Caton Hintz, New Jersey County Planners Association, New Jersey Farm Bureau, New Jersey Planning Officials, Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association, Sustainable Jersey and Together North Jersey.

Webinar Details:

Noncontiguous Cluster –New Jersey’s New and Improved Planning Tool

An Introduction for Local Officials, Planning Board Members and Interested Citizens

Tuesday, December 3, 2013, noon – 1:00 pm. Registration.

Approved for 1.0 AICP-CM credit


  • Angela Clerico, PP, AICP, Leed-AP Natural Systems Utilities and APA-NJ (Moderator)
  • Emily Costello AICP, Senior Planner, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
  • Nicholas Dickerson, Planning and Policy Analyst, New Jersey Future
  • Robert Sheehan AICP, Township Administrator, Plainsboro Township
  • Chris Sturm, Senior Director of State Policy, New Jersey Future

Taking Advantage of the New and Improved Noncontiguous Cluster Tool

Insights for Planners and Land Use Attorneys

Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 12:00 – 1:30. Registration.

Approved for 1.5 AICP-CM Law credits, CLE credits pending


  • Phil Caton, Partner, Clarke, Caton, Hintz LLC
  • William F. Harrison, Partner, Genova, Burns Giantomasi Webster
  • James E. Hartling, Partner, Urban Partners
  • Susan Payne, Director, State Agriculture Development Committee
  • Chris Sturm, Senior Director of State Policy, New Jersey Future (Moderator)

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