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Jersey Water Works Delegation To Attend National Water Conference

May 26th, 2016 by

US Water Alliance logoJersey Water Works is coordinating a 13-person delegation to the U.S. Water Alliance’s One Water Summit in Atlanta June 8-10. The delegation, representative of many of the sectors that make up the core of Jersey Water Works’ committees, includes three members of the collaborative’s Steering Committee. All members of the delegation are supporting members of Jersey Water Works.

Two of the delegates — Drew Curtis and Margaret Waldock — will also appear on panels at the event, and a representative will speak at the closing plenary about Jersey Water Works’ innovative, cross-sector approach to the problem of water infrastructure in the Garden State.

“This is an important opportunity to elevate for a national audience the innovative, big-thinking work that Jersey Water Works is doing,” said Margaret Waldock of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, which, along with the Victoria Foundation, is providing travel stipends to several of the attendees. “Delegation members will be able to connect with peers from across the country, and will bring back best practices and new resources to share with the rest of the Jersey Water Works membership. We’re thrilled to be one of the 14 state delegations at the conference.”

Delegates will be asked to keep an eye out for great ideas and resources that can be implemented in New Jersey to advance Jersey Water Works’ goals, and can be shared with stakeholders through the Jersey Water Works website, working groups, and annual water conference.

The group includes:

  • Andrea Adebowale, City of Newark Dept. of Water and Sewer Utilities
  • Janice Brogle, NJDEP (pending)
  • Caileen Carr, City of Newark Dept. of Water and Sewer Utilities
  • Jennifer Coffey, ANJEC (@ANJECTweets)
  • Anthony Cucci, Trust for Public Land (@tpl_org; @ACucciTPL)
  • Drew Curtis,* Ironbound Community Corporation (@IronboundCC)
  • Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action (@CleanWaterNJ)
  • Caroline Gray, Cooper’s Ferry Partnership (@CoopersFerry)
  • Larry Levine,* Natural Resources Defense Council (@NRDC; @llevine_NRDC)
  • Michele Putnam, NJDEP (pending)
  • Diane Schrauth, Funders Network for Stormwater
  • Chris Sturm, New Jersey Future (@NewJerseyFuture)
  • Margaret Waldock,* Dodge Foundation (@GRDodgeenviro)

*Jersey Water Works Steering Committee member

The New Jersey delegation will be joining attendees from across the country in posting from the conference on social media using the hashtag #OneWater16. After the conference the delegation will share its experiences and takeaways from the event.

Anyone working with water infrastructure in New Jersey is invited to join the delegation. For more information, please contact Chris Sturm  (csturmatnjfuturedotorg)   or Elaine Clisham  (eclishamatnjfuturedotorg)  .

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