Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


2022 Smart Growth Award Winners

Read about the 2022 Smart Growth Award winners, representing the best in smart growth and sustainable development projects around the state. Find links to their full profiles and videos below.

  • Christopher DaggettChristopher Daggett

    New Jersey Future is proud to honor Christopher Daggett with the Cary Edwards Leadership Award for career-long dedication across public, private, and nonprofit sectors to good government, environmental resilience, and equitable growth in New Jersey.

  • Yvette JordanYvette Jordan

    New Jersey Future is proud to honor Yvette Jordan with the Cary Edwards Leadership Award for her service in community education, government, and advocacy; and her commitment to smart growth and resilience in New Jersey.

  • North Trenton / Battle Monument Choice Neighborhood Plan Connects People and PlaceNorth Trenton / Battle Monument Choice Neighborhood Plan Connects People and Place

    Trenton’s largest public housing development and surrounding neighborhood will undergo a transformative reinvestment under the North Trenton and Battle Monument Choice Neighborhood Plan. Civic leaders aim to replace under-resourced public and assisted housing with high-quality mixed-income housing to support income, health, and youth education outcomes for households in the neighborhood.

  • Pacific Avenue Redevelopment Plan Revitalizes Downtown WildwoodPacific Avenue Redevelopment Plan Revitalizes Downtown Wildwood

    The iconic Jersey Shore town of Wildwood convened government and commercial interests to reimagine a restored future for its once thriving downtown corridor.

  • 202 Park Centers Connectivity, Accessibility, and Affordability202 Park Centers Connectivity, Accessibility, and Affordability

    The project’s adherence to smart growth principles—including walkable, bikeable public spaces, affordable housing, sustainable design, and access to public transit—indicates the value of the 202 Park for Cherry Hill, for South Jersey, and for the state, serving as a model for comparable projects.

  • Taylor Vose Building Brings Life to Downtown South OrangeTaylor Vose Building Brings Life to Downtown South Orange

    With the redevelopment of the Taylor/Vose building, South Orange’s historic downtown core is in the process of being reshaped into a more walkable and accessible space within the community.

  • Dundee Island Park Combines Recreation, Green Infrastructure, Art, and Indigenous HistoryDundee Island Park Combines Recreation, Green Infrastructure, Art, and Indigenous History

    The project’s attention to sustainable, climate-resilient design, coupled with a commitment to meeting the needs of local community members, aligns with a commitment to smart growth and sustainable development that is so tied to the award.

  • Lion Gate Park in Bloomfield Offers Opportunities for Resilience and Restoration on the PassaicLion Gate Park in Bloomfield Offers Opportunities for Resilience and Restoration on the Passaic

    Lion Gate Park is representative of smart growth values, with walkable trails in the middle of a residential area, a regenerated protected wetland which helps to mitigate flooding from storms like Hurricane Ida, and mixed-use opportunities for recreation.

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