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Resilient Shore Daily News Roundup, Nov. 20, 2012

November 20th, 2012 by

  • Vetoing business as usual after the storm (New York Times
  • How will the Tri-State rebuild after Sandy? (Daily Beast
  • Two-thirds of New Jerseyans affected by Sandy (New Jersey Newsroom
  • Post-Sandy job losses brings threat of poverty (Huffington Post
  • Digging out in New Jersey (Huffington Post
  • Survey shows average beach lost 30-40 feet because of Sandy (Star-Ledger
  • As coasts rebuild and taxpayers foot the bill, critics ask why (New York Times
  • Foundations to fund post-Sandy reporting by not-for-profit media (first item; NJ News Commons)
  • Green infrastructure helps environment and wallets (Delmarva Now
  • Why we can’t keep rebuilding on the water’s edge (Time
  • Landscape architect offers storm surge defense alternatives (
  • Preparing for the storm surge (Better Cities Now
  • How a smart grid can get the lights on faster (Governing magazine

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