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DOT’s Municipal Aid: Look Beneath the (Re)Surface for Innovative Uses

August 17th, 2018 by

Municipal Aid application deadline is October 8.

Rendering of an upgraded Washington Street in Hoboken, including planned green infrastructure.

Dear municipalities,

Some of you are leaving money on the table.

The NJDOT’s Division of Local Aid and Economic Development has $115 million to offer municipalities through its Municipal Aid program to support a wide variety of local infrastructure projects. And while the program is often thought of as a resource for road preservation projects such as resurfacing or reconstruction, it can fund a wide array of improvements. Some municipalities may not have thought to envision what they could use the money for, so here are some ideas.

Got a major road feeding into your town that you want to turn into a traffic-calming gateway? That’s eligible. Got sidewalks in your downtown in need of repair that you want to make more accommodating for shoppers? That’s eligible. Want to add a bike lane so local residents can run some of their errands without needing to drive? You can do that. Want to install things like curb bump-outs with bio-swales, or rain gardens in a right-of-way, to help control chronic flooding and brighten up the neighborhood? That’s a perfect project for Municipal Aid.

Eligible projects fall within one of seven categories: bikeways, bridge preservation, mobility, pedestrian safety, quality of life, roadway preservation, or roadway safety. This means that municipalities that wish to enhance pedestrian and bike safety, manage rainfall, or reduce congestion can all turn to Municipal Aid for funding.

It takes a little time and familiarity with the process to apply, but the Division of Local Aid and Economic Development has four district offices available to answer questions about project eligibility and the application process. The deadline for applications is Oct. 8, 2018, so interested municipalities are encouraged to begin their applications soon.

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