Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


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United in the Fight for Equity and Justice

June 3rd, 2020 by


Dear friends,

As we collectively mourn the tragic loss of George Floyd and all that his needless death represents, there is much justifiable sadness, pain, frustration, and anger. The gross racial inequities and injustices highlighted by Mr. Floyd’s death as well as by COVID-19 are not new. And they are pervasive everywhere.

The majority of us will never be able to understand what it means to be Black in New Jersey. We will never know the hurdles faced and the opportunities prevented based solely on the color of our skin. But during these times we can confront the destructive issue of racism and the segregation that it causes. We can and must educate ourselves about white privilege, structural and systemic racism, overcoming our biases, and environmental justice. And we must speak up and begin to address these issues head-on.

Like Minnesota, New Jersey remains a heavily segregated state. We know that one of the leading drivers of this segregation is long-standing institutional racism. We know that if you live in a community that is predominantly low-income or composed of people of color that you are more likely to have poorer educational, health, employment, and longevity outcomes. We also know that our racially and economically segregated communities are especially vulnerable to any economic, health, or natural crisis, creating a perpetually downward spiral of opportunity and quality of life.

New Jersey Future is focused on helping us all make smarter decisions about the places where we live and work. Perhaps never before in the history of our state has there been a more critical time to make smart decisions about place. Smart decisions are equitable decisions. We must confront segregation directly and create a geography of equity and inclusion. We must protect and create opportunities for every person and every community in New Jersey. And we must do so with an honest understanding of the inequities and their devastating impacts so many people and so many places have experienced for far too long.

Our nation stands at a precipice. The time is now. Please join us in standing with those who look to honor George Floyd’s life and so many other Black lives lost by demanding justice and change. We will create a stronger future for New Jersey together.

In unity,

Pete Kasabach signature

Peter Kasabach
Executive Director

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