Working for Smart Growth:
More Livable Places and Open Spaces


Lord & Taylor/Train Station Redevelopment Plan

Project Name: Lord & Taylor/Train Station Redevelopment Plan

Bold new plan for reuse of a shuttered department store building and integrated green design strategies to reinvigorate Westfield and convert the space into a vibrant, mixed-use downtown.

Primary Partner Team: EJ Economic Development Advisors |
Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP | HBC Streetworks Development | Topology | Town of Westfield


At the heart of downtown Westfield, NJ, a shuttered Lord & Taylor sits at the center of a 14-acre redevelopment plan for the town center that transforms it from an auto-centric shopping center into a vibrant, mixed-use development with pedestrian-oriented design and an exciting reuse of the former department store. A concerted effort from a private-public partnership will develop the property, and the North and South Avenue municipal parking lots, into One Westfield Place and add 205 housing units to downtown Westfield.

While malls and department stores once served towns well, promoting commerce and economic activity, global economic changes have left many abandoned, as in the case of Westfield, in prominent central locations to the towns they once served. As municipalities across New Jersey seek to redevelop their downtowns, they must reevaluate underutilized vacant sites and municipal parking lots. Reimagining the usage of these sites to convert them into transit-oriented and mixed-use developments adds density to downtowns and brings a boost in foot traffic to the town center. The Lord & Taylor/Train Station Redevelopment Plan project will produce $54 million in public improvements while meeting local demand for diverse housing types (such as affordable and age-friendly housing), office spaces to increase foot traffic, retail and public spaces for gathering, and promises a projected $210 million in revenue for the town over 30 years.

Through community input, the 2019 Master Plan Reexamination elevates key priorities such as increased walkability, economic activity, and downtown density. The development is intended to use the Town’s train station to increase accessibility for residents and visitors. Transforming the downtown area to a mobility hub involves improving its streetscapes with 150,000 sq. ft. sidewalk upgrades and ten intersection revisions to encourage linkages between neighborhoods and promote safe connectivity. Over two acres of public and retail spaces like Town Square, Town Garden, and a pedestrian-friendly Quimby Street will advance and invite commercial activity and welcome walking wallets. The addition of 100,000 sq. ft. of office space, 138 age-restricted housing units, 33 affordable housing units, and modern parking facilities is aimed to improve population and employee density  

Westfield’s visionary plan to reuse assets, and link new investment and people-oriented infrastructure to an existing NJ Transit train station, serves as a positive model for towns seeking to add residents and businesses to spur downtown revitalization without congesting their core with automobiles. The Lord & Taylor/Train Station Redevelopment Plan utilizes community input and evolves existing spaces to suit present demands which creates a flourishing community and ensures a strong future for Westfield.


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